
Thursday, June 24, 2010

What is this thing?

I'd like to know who decided that writers should have blogs.

Don't get me wrong--I undertand published authors having sites. They post for the fans, promote their books. They say when they're going to a convention, or where they'll be making an appearance. It makes sense. If I'm lucky enough to get a fan base, I'm all over it. What I don't get is unpublished authors with blogs. Read industry articles, though, and everyone is telling us to get one. Build up a following. Get out there. Get noticed.

What are we supposed to talk about? How hard it is to get rejection letters, and how fab it is to get a request for a full? Our writing process? What we're working on? It stumps me, just what to put down.

And really--no offense to fellow writer's with blogs, but there are a million of them, filled with the trials of trying to MAKE IT as a writer. I'm just not sure what I can add to the already jammed internet as far as perspective or wisdom. I'm just a person with a PC and random fantasy worlds living in my head, trying to get out. Oh, and gargoyles. Lots and lots of gargoyles.

I'll do my best to make it interesting. Maybe somewhere along the way, I'll figure it out.

What's playing: "Mercy Street," by Peter Gabriel

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