
Sunday, July 11, 2010

When Distraction Calls

I'm about 20,000 words in on book two of my Toxic series. Sounds like it's going well, right? It is, but I'm also fighting distraction. Driving home from work on Friday I saw a cheesy van with a logo printed on the back, or some such thing--and it got me thinking. What would happen if a kid had parents that were scam-artist ghost hunters, but the kid could actually see ghosts?

Enter Jeremy Roswell, fifteen year old home-schooled son of modern day gypsies, con artists that have everyone believing they're the real deal. Jeremy is a little socially inept--wouldn't you be if you were dragged around to conventions and seances your whole childhood?--but he's a pretty grounded kid. He knows the deal with his folks, and he has a pretty good laugh at their cluelessness when there are actual spirits nearby.

So, yeah. Distraction. Jeremy's story isn't totally clear yet, at least. He's still just more of a character in my head trying to get my attention. I'll keep on with book two of Toxic, and let him become a little more solid in my head while he waits. Tempting, though, to just start writing and see what happens to him.

What's playing: "Rehab," by Amy Winehouse.

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